A few of my favorite things

  • Gardening
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  • Laughter
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  • Books
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  • Music

Thursday, January 26, 2012

7th Graders

After writing down imagery words on your list, what mood is Avi, the author, trying to create.  Explain your answer using support from the text.

Mood of Fahrenheit 451

After our mini-lesson on imagery, how does the author's choice of imagery words affect the overall mood of the story?  Does the imagery fit the plot?

Fahrenheit 451

Book Two is called "The Sand and the Sieve."  On page 78, Montag remembers a time as a child sitting in the hot summer sand playing with the sand and a sieve.  What is a sieve and what does it have to do with our story?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Andy's character

List out the assets and defects of Andy's character.  Assets are positive character qualities and defects are negative character qualities.

For my 7th grade students

Wolf Rider - Describe the mood words you found as Andy entered the mathematics building to watch Dr. Lucas.  What mood is the author trying to create with these words?

A title of your own

Now that you know the meaning behind the title, Fahrenheit 451, do you think it matches the plot? Create an alternative, or another title for this novel. Support your title with evidence from the text.

Page 71 - Fahrenheit 451

How does the imagery (the five senses) used affect the mood of the opening of Book Two?  Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

Monday, January 23, 2012


How does the setting affect the mood of the story?  What would be advantages to living in this society?

Fahrenheit 451

Describe Montag as a character.  No physical descriptions please.  What do you notice about him as far as his character?