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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Holden's misery

In your opinion, what is at the heart of Holden's depression?  What all has he been through up to Chapter 13?


  1. he has been in a fight, he got kicked out of school, his friend went on a date with the girl that he ues to like, and he cant go home and he is also stuck in a crumby motel.

  2. i think he depressed cause hes been kicked out of school and hes lien to peoplke cause he doesnt waanna be judged becuase of him dropping out of school and otheer stuff and he got beat up............

  3. what about the death of his younger brother? How does that affect him?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. he has probly been thinking about his brother and hes been thinking about him so its making him sad and depressed... and the prosititue does not make anything any better!!.

  6. the heart of his depression is that he is being kicked out of school and cant go home until Christmas break because he doesn't want his parents know. So he has been lying to people and staying in a hotel in New York, so far he has been kicked out of school, beat up, had his gloves stolen,he is staying in a crappy hotel, he has to deal with having a prostitute in his hotel room and he doesn't even want to have sex with her anymore and she keeps trying to raise the price when he pays her

  7. I think the heart of his depression is that he cant go home cause he doesnt want to tell his parents that he's been kicked out of boarding school. Well he's been kicked out of school and he doesnt want to tell his parents so he cant go home he's been lieing to people bout everything thats going on in his life so far, so right now he's been getting by in life by staying in hotels and going to the bars to deal with his depression

  8. he has been in a fight he had got kicked outta school and he was scared to have sex

  9. @kiwan are there some deeper things going on in Holden's mind? Has the tragedy of losing a close family member affected him in anyway? Explain your answers with a bit more depth.

  10. @paje is that his only problem? He was having this slump before this chapter.

  11. didnt maurice say five for a throw if so why is he back askin for another five?
